Year: 2011

Free Digital Stamps

My first card with one of my own digital stamps – First Posted: Sunday, August 16, 2009

Voila! My first card using one of my own digital stamps

New Dad Card

This is a picture of my Brother and his daughter, yes he actually did this. It’s so funny, I just had to turn it into a digital stamp. I coloured the image in using Promarkers and added some ribbon and dimensional alphabet stickers.

Here is your Digi:

(click on the image to expand before saving to your computer)

New Dad Free Digital Stamp


Random Stuff

Hello!!! – First Posted: Friday, August 14, 2009

Yay! I’ve got a website!! oops i mean…

Welcome to Bird’s Cards

I’ve been so inspired by some really talented crafters on the internet recently, so much so that i have to get in on the fun.

I’m not affiliated to, or a demonstrator for, any craft company, I’m just a crafter who enjoys card making as a hobby although the amount of time I’ve put into it lately has probably toppled it out of the hobby bracket and into the obsession one :D

I used to attempt to get some inspiration from craft shows on shopping channels but understandably their time for showing finished cards and examples are limited, let alone giving any tips so imagine how much of an eye opener finding card making tutorials on the internet has been. I have so many ideas for projects i can’t wait to get started on some of my own (if only i could sort out how to mount my camera) I hope to be able to start uploading some videos in the next few days.

I’m also going to be offering Free Digital Stamps, I’ve only just started to create them but I’ll pop up the ones that I’ve done already and will be popping others up as i create them. There will probably be at least one a week going up although it is likely to be more often in the beginning but I’ll add a link in the blog page when I do. I hope you’ll like them and look forward to seeing what you create with them. Also, I’ll be trying to do some slightly unusual images, for example, i often struggle with finding ideas for cards for the men in my family so I’ll be adding quite a few with that in mind. If there is anything in particular you would like to see added, give me a shout and I’ll see what I can do, remember I’m a beginner though :)