Free Digital Stamps

Round Ornaments & a discovery – First Posted: Friday, December 03, 2010

Hey, I have some more Ornaments for you today, round ones this time.

I printed Ornament no.2, cut it out and coloured it with Prismas and OMS then I hit a snag. I wanted to emboss my snowflake with gold embossing powder but it was rather small so an experiment was called for. I drew over the snowflake with a ballpoint glue pen then poured over the embossing powder and heat embossed and it worked! Using glue for embossing may not be new to some of you but it sure is to me, it doesn’t take much to get me excited! You know what they say ‘little things please little minds’ he he. Having glue in a ballpoint pen means that I’ll be able to emboss handwriting too so I’m going to have lots of fun with this! I see lots of hand drawn patterns and sentiments in my future lol, ooh and tracing on vellum and outlining die cuts and, and…. ok I’ll shut up now.

round ornament tag

Here is your digi:

(click on the image to expand before saving to your computer)

round ornament 1

round ornament 2

round ornament 3

Free Digital Stamps

Long Ornaments – First Posted: Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Hello There,

I have some Long Ornament Digital Stamps for you today, one plain and one has a star on and for those of you with a beedy eye you will see that there is a new ornament section up in the digital stamp menu so there are likely to be more of these to come. Also I wanted to mention that there are some cut files coming, I have been designing some but I want to road test them first before I pop them up.

My plan for this project was to make a card with a fairly limited colour palette but using lots of textures and shine to create interest, it looks very effective in the ‘flesh’, honest! I printed out my ornaments in 3 sizes, cut them out and coloured with markers then used 3 different finishes on them which allow the design to show through; crystal glitter, holographic glitter and crystal embossing powder. After attaching some embroidery thread on the backs and some little ribbon bows in different shades on the front of the ornaments, I popped them onto a label nine die cut with 3D foam pads. This is backed with some beige textured card covered with some gold patterned vellum held into place with some antique gold brads.

long ornament card

Here is your digi:

(click on the image to expand before saving to your computer)

long ornament 1 long ornament 2


Free Digital Sentiments

Puffy Stuff! – First Posted: Friday, November 26, 2010


I’m merrily ploughing on with my Christmas cards, hopefully I will have enough done in time if I carry on at this rate. I used a new product (to me anyway) on todays card with the highly technical name of ‘Fluffy Stuff’! ha ha I love its name! Its by Woodware, I stamped and embossed my image then coloured it with watercolour markers and an aqua brush. I piped the puffy stuff over the white areas on my Santa and the ground underneath and gave it a blast with my heat gun, it puffed up a treat!

puffy father christmas card

puffy father christmas card inside

Here is your digi:

(click on the image to expand before saving to your computer)

ho ho ho sentiment