Random Stuff

Random Stuff


Great news!

The new comment/spam filter seems to be working like a treat which will leave me more time for crafting, you wouldn’t believe the amount of spam I have on a daily basis. But but but…your comments now only go through to moderation the first time you leave one here, from then on your future comments will pop up right away, cool huh?

I’ll be back with some more halloween-ey treat boxes tomorrow :)

Random Stuff

My Memories Giveaway Winner!

I used a number generator at Random.org to find a winner for the My Memories Suite Digital Scrapbooking Software and the winner is…drum roll please…Diane!


Hi Bird, Thanks for the link, they have a lot of beautiful sets there. I love the White Wedding, the papers are gorgeous, and the set of masks is exciting too. I’ve bookmarked it to do some shopping later, thanks. Love your Halloween card too.

Congratulations Diane, I will be contacting you shortly :)


For those of you who didn’t win, My Memories are offering you a $10 discount on the purchase of the MyMemories Suite v2 scrapbook software. (The Software also comes with a $10 coupon for downloads-a total value of $20!)

Using this code will give you the discount: STMMMS80401

Random Stuff

My Memories Giveaway


I have a giveaway for you today from the lovely people at My Memories who are offering a copy of their Digital Scrapbooking Software to one of you guys, a prize worth $39.97, cool huh?

I had a play with it for a couple of hours, it has some scrapbooking elements already within it and there are some free kits on their website which I made use of to create a Halloween Card. As I mentioned I only had a couple of hours to have a play with the software and couldn’t seem to find a way to change the colour of the small elements and did it find it a bit tricky to work on lower layers once I had added layers on top of them but maybe in some more time I could have found ways around that. What stood out to me the most however was how straight forward this software is to use, you can easily find your way around with very little computer experience and I love the way you can use any papers or kits etc you already have saved on your computer, if you’re anything like me you’ll have a folder full of a ton of free downloads to dip in to ;)

Here’s my digital card:

halloween digital card

and here’s how the printed version looks:

halloween printed card

Ok, so how do you enter? Simply go to My Memories and pick out your favourite kit then leave me a comment here on this post telling me which one it is by midnight Sunday 28th, I’ll pick the winner on Monday Morning to cover all time zones :)

Good Luck!