Free Digital Cutting Files

Free Digital Cutting Files, Free SVGs, SVG Cutting Files, SVGs

Easter Cross Card

Good Evening Guys!

Every now and then I ask the guys in our Facebook Group what they would fancy for the latest freebie, most requested something for either Easter or Mother’s Day and a few suggested an Easter Cross.

So, I have made an Easter Cross Card for you today with some Easter Lilies added too!

I’ve tried to keep the assembly super simple for you:

1. Glue your insert and front panels into place.
2. Glue the 2 layers of your cross together then place onto your card with 3D adhesive.
3. Curl the top of your leaves and glue them at the base of your cross.
4. Curl and overlap 2 flower petals then glue 3 stamens into the middle of each flower.
5. Glue your flowers on top of your leaves.

You will find an envelope file within your download too!

I really hope that you like your new freebie and enjoy crafting with it :)

Free Digital Cutting Files, Free SVGs, SVG Cutting Files, SVGs

Butterfly Pop-up Wing Card Freebie

Hi Guys!

I have a new freebie for you today, it is a butterfly card where the wings bend forward to give the card some fun dimension. There is also an envelope for the card in your download.

To assemble your card:

  1. Glue the patterned paper that surrounds the butterfly to the front of your card.
  2. Attach the butterfly to the front of your card by adding glue to just the body area.
  3. Glue the little body piece on top.
  4. Attach the square piece of paper to the reverse of the butterfly on the inside of the card ensuring not to add glue to the wing area.

The layers on the inside of the card help to counterbalance the detail on the front of the card and it’s a chance to use some more pretty patterned paper:

I hope you like today’s freebie and it will come in handy for you. We would love to see your version in our facebook group so feel free to join and share it with us :)

Free Digital Cutting Files, Free SVGs, SVG Cutting Files, SVGs

Multi Tree Christmas set

Good Evening!

Do you have any last minute cards to make or gifts to wrap?

If so, I have a 3 piece set of freebies for you today. The set includes a card, a matching envelope and a matching gift tag too!

I chose to use some non-traditional colours which I thought would work well with the geometric tree design, I hope you like it :)

If you make anything from this set we’d love to see it our facebook group :)